Dr.sc.ing. senior researcher, (M.Sc.chem) Kristina Kokina
Main research interests:
Major papers:
- The occurrence and dietary exposure assessment of mycotoxins, biogenic amines, and heavy metals in mould-ripened blue cheeses
Open Access, Reinholds, I., Rusko, J., Pugajeva, I., (…), Tihomirova, K., Bartkevics, V., 2020, Foods 9(1), 93 - Information overload and lecturer mistakes during engineering course organization, Tihomirova K., Mezule L., 2020, International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 2020-June, pp.1037-1044
- Short-term effect of shock a mmonium nitrogen load on activated sludge properties, Golovko, K., Tihomirova, K., Neilands, R., (…), Mezule, L., Juhna, T., 2019, Water Science and Technology, 80(11), pp. 2191-2199
- Tihomirova, K., Denisova, V., Golovko, K., (…), Mezule, L., Juhna, T., Management of wastewater from landfill of inorganic fiberglass, Agronomy Research 17, pp. 1216-1226, 2019
- Deņisova, V., Tihomirova, K., Mežule, L. Extended Use of Sphagnum Peat as a Biosorbent for Zn(II): Repetitious Sorption-Desorption Process. Agronomy Research, 2018, Vol.16, 1.-8.lpp. ISSN 1406-894X. Pieejams: doi:10.15159/AR.18.163
- Tihomirova, K., Deņisova, V., Jaundzema, L., Mežule, L. Hydrolysed Biomass Waste as a Potential Biosorbent of Zinc from Water. Agronomy Research, 2017, Vol.15, No.3, 905.-914.lpp. ISSN 1406-894X.
- Deņisova, V., Tihomirova, K., Mežule, L. Biosorption of Zn(II) by Sphagnum Peat. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, Vol.57, 385.-390.lpp. ISSN 2283-9216. Pieejams: doi:10.3303/CET1757065
- Frolova, M., Tihomirova, K., Mežule, L., Rubulis, J., Gruškeviča, K., Juhna, T. Evaluation of Pre-Treatment Technologies for Phosphorous Removal from Drinking Water to Mitigate Membrane Biofouling. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, Vol.251, 1.-8.lpp. ISSN 1757-8981. e-ISSN 1757-899X. Pieejams: doi:10.1088/1757-899X/251/1/012127
- Frolova, M., Zemītis, J., Tihomirova, K., Mežule, L., Rubulis, J., Gruškeviča, K., Juhna, T. Approbation of Microbially Available Phosphorus (MAP) Determination Method by Flow Cytometry. No: Environment. Technology. Resources: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Vol.1, Latvija, Rēzekne, 15.-17. jūnijs, 2017. Rēzekne: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2017, 89.-92.lpp. ISSN 1691-5402. Pieejams: doi:10.17770/etr2017vol1.2533
- Gruškeviča, K., Būmanis, Ģ., Tihomirova, K., Bajāre, D., Juhna, T. Alkaline Activated Material as the Adsorbent for Uptake of High Concentration of Zinc from Wastewater. Key Engineering Materials, 2016, Vol.721, 123.-127.lpp. ISSN 1662-9795. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.721.123
- Tihomirova K., Gruškeviča K., Mežule L., Juhna T. (2016) Application of organic matter fractionation technoque for evaluation of coagulation-biofiltration process at full scale WTP. International Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 3 (1), 6-8.
- K.Tihomirova, B.Dalecka and L.Mezule (2016). Application of conventional HPLC RI technique for sugar analysis in hydrolysed hay. Agronomy Research Vol.14(0).
- Zajacs, A., Zemītis, J., Prozuments, A., Tihomirova, K., Borodiņecs, A. (2015) Sustainable City Development: Implementation Practices in Riga. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.725-726, 1470-1476.
- Oliveira, C., Gruškeviča, K., Juhna, T., Tihomirova, K., Alves, A., Madeira, L. (2014) Removal of Paraquat Pesticide with Fenton Reaction in a Pilot Scale Water System. Drinking Water Engineering and Science, Vol.7, No.1, 11-21.
- Zajacs, A., Zemītis, J., Tihomirova, K., Borodiņecs, A. (2014) Concept of Smart City: First Experience from City of Riga. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol 7, No 2, 54-59.
- Tihomirova, K., Briedis, A., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T. Effect of biomass adaptation to biodegradation of dissolved organic carbon in water (2012) Biodegradation, 23 (2), pp. 319-324.
- Tihomirova, K., A. Briedis, Rubulis J. and Juhna T. (2012) Effect of biostimulation on biodegradation of dissolved organic carbon in biological filters, Drink. Water Eng. Sci., 5, 23-29.
- Tihomirova K., Neilands K., Rubulis J., Mežinskis G., Pavlovska I., Juhna T. (2010) Optimization of Coagulation Process for Removal on NOM in Humic Rich Water of Riga (Latvia) // Водоочистка, Водоподготовка, Водоснабжение. 8, 18-24.
- Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T. (2010) Changes of NOM Fractions during Conventional Drinking Water Treatment Process in Riga, Latvia. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol.10, No.2, 157-163.
- Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T. (2008) Determination of Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Carbon in Waters: Comparision of Suspended and Attached Biomass Methods. Construction Science. Nr.9, 115-123.
- Zabašta, A., Juhna, T., Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J., Ribickis, L. (2014) Latvian Practices for Protecting Water and Wastewater Infrastructure. No: Securing Water and Wastewater Systems. Vol.2. S.Hakim, R.Clark red. New York; Dordrecht; London: Springer International Publishing, 315-342 ISBN 9783319010915.
- Tihomirova, K. (2011) Natural Organic Matter Removal from Water and Its Influence on the Water Quality in Distribution Network. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 172. ISBN 978-3-8465-2340-7.
Other publications:
- Yuri Dekhtyar, Tālis Juhna, Marina Romanova, Anna Stanka, Kristīna Tihomirova. (2016) Modification of Surface Charge of Polypropylene Substrate for Improvement of Microorganism Adhesion in Water Treatment Process. Materials Science (Medziagotyra)
- Tihomirova K., Gruškeviča K., Mežule L., Juhna T. (2015) Application of organic matter fractionation technique for evaluation of coagulation-biofiltration process at a full scale WTP. Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering conference – ACSEE2015, 10-11 October Zurich, Switzerland.
- Zajacs, A., Zemītis, J., Tihomirova, K., Borodiņecs, A. (2014)Concept of Smart City: First Experience from City of Riga. No: Proceedings of 4th International Conference “Advanced Construction 2014”, Kaunas University of Technology, 9-10 October Kaunas, pp. 265-265.
- Ruģele, K., Gavare, M., Grūbe, M., Tihomirova, K., Skripsts, Ē., Larsona, S., Rubulis, J. (2013) Characterization of Lactose Consumption during the Biogas Production from Acid Whey by FT-IR Spectroscopy. No: International Conference on Environmental, Biological, Ecological Sciences and Engineering (ICEBESE 2013), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 15-16 May, pp. 253-258.
- Tihomirova, K., Dejus, S., Mežule, L., Juhna, T. (2012) Modelling of the Biodegradation Processes in the Biofilters. No: Publications of the IWA 4th Eastern European Young and Senior Water Professionals Conference, Saint Petersburg, 4-5 October, pp. 446-454.
- Neščerecka, A., Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J. (2012) Determination of Microorganism Growth Potential in Water Supply Systems by Flow Cytometry. No: Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference: Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute / RTU Alumni: Digest: Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference: Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute / RTU Alumni, Latvija, Riga, 11-12 October, pp. 421-421.
- Brovkina, J., Shulga, G., Ozoliņš, J., Neilands, R., Tihomirova, K., Podjava, A. (2012) Effect of Ozonation of the Pre-Coagulated Model Wastewater on Removal of Wood Pollutants. No: Abstracts of the Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical institute / RTU Alumni: Section: Material Science and Applied Chemistry, Latvija, Rīga, 11-12 October, pp. 89-89.
- Tihomirova K., Mežule L., and Juhna T. (2012) Application of flow cytometry for characterization of biomass during ABE fermentation process//In Proceedings: 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition” − Italy: Milan ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, In Press
- Tihomirova, K., Gavare, M., Mežule, L., Grūbe, M., Juhna, T. (2011) Application of FT-IR for Characterization of Biomass Isolated from Surface and Drinking Water with High Concentration of Natural Organic Matter. No: The 8th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”: Selected Papers: The 8th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Lithuania, Vilnius, 19-20 May, pp. 672-678.
- Gruškeviča, K., Tihomirova, K., Juhna, T. (2010) Comparison of Methods for Isolation of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) from Loose Deposits of Drinking Water Distribution Systems. No: Integrated Water Resources Management Karlsruhe, Germany, Karlsruhe, 24-25 November, pp. 249-255.
- Tihomirova, K., Neilands, K., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T. (2010) Dissolved Organic Matter in Drinking Water Distribution Network of Humus-Rich Waters. No: Integrated Water Resources Managment Karlsruhe 2010: WRM, Germany, Karlsruhe, 24-25 November, pp. 1-1.
- Tihomirova, K., Gruškeviča, K., Neilands, R., Juhna, T. (2010) Системы очистки сточных вод и подготовки питьевой воды в Латвии: проблемы и перспективы. No: YWP Workshop at Ecwatech 2010: Conference Paper, Russia, Moscow, 1-1 June, pp. 1-7.
- Tihomirova, K., Neilands, K., Rubulis, J., Mežinskis, G., Pavlovska, I., Juhna, T. (2010) Optimization of Coagulation Process for Removal on NOM in Humic Rich Water of Riga (Latvia). No: Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants in Towns and Communities of the XXI Century: Technologies, Design & Operation, Russia, Moscow, 2-4 June, pp. 1-7.
- Tihomirova, K., Grube, M., Juhna, T. (2009) Application of FT-IR for Characterization of Biomass Isolated from Drinking Water . No: XIII European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Italy, Palermo, 28 August-2 September, pp. 19-19.
- Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T., Briedis, A. (2009) Measurements of BDOC Kinetics in Humic-Rich Drinking Water. No: The Conference Proceedings of IWA 1st Eastern European Regional Young Water Professionals Conference, Belarus, Minsk, 21-22 May, pp. 332-338.
- Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T. (2009) Monitoring of NOM Fractions in Raw Water and in the Water Treatment Plant in Riga, Latvia. No: The Conference Proceedings IWA 1st Eastern European Regional Young Water Professionals Conference, Belarus, Мinsk, 21-22 May, pp. 323-332.
- Gruškeviča, K., Tihomirova, K., Rubulis, J., Juhna, T. (2009) Organic Matter Isolation from Loose Deposits in Drinking Water Distribution System. No: The Conference Proceedings 1st IWA East European Regional Young Water Professionals Conference, Belarus, Мinsk, 21-22 May, pp. 278-284.
- Gruškeviča, K., Juhna, T., Østerhus, S., Tihomirova, K. (2008) Influence of Water Velocity and NOM Composition on Corrosion of Iron Pipes. No: Cost Action 637 METEAU Materials and Related Substances in Drinking Water: Programme and Abstracts Book, Portugal, Lisbon, 29-31 October, pp. 24-25.
- Tihomirova, K., Juhna, T. Changes of NOM Fractions during Optimization of Coagulation Process on the Drinking Water Treatment Process in Riga, Latvia. No: Natural Organic Matter: from Source to Tap: Conference Proceedings, United Kingdom, Bath, 2-4 September, pp. 603-610.
- Rubulis J., Tihomirova K., Henning L., Juhna T. (2008) Optimization of NOM Removal During Conventional Drinking Water by NOM-fractionation and LC-OCD Analyses at Daugava WTP in Riga, Latvia // NOM Research from Source to Tap. – Bath, pp. 575-584.
- Juhna, T., Rubulis, J., Tihomirova, K. (2008) Changes of NOM Fractions during Conventional Drinking Water Treatment Process in Riga, Latvia. No: 5th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Switzerland, Zürich, 1-4 June, pp. 120-128.
- Juhna, T., Tihomirova, K., Koliškins, A., Nazarovs, S., Rubulis, J., Lukjaņeca, I., Vital, M., Hammes, F. (2007) Simulation of Bacterial Regrowth in Water Networks by Modelling of Pseudomonas Fluorescens Growth in a Lab Biofilm Reactor. No: Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI 2007) and Sustainable Urban Water Management (SUWM 2007), United Kingdom, Leicester, 3-5 September, pp. 229-236.