Latest news in “Zero-to-low-waste technology for simultaneous production of liquid biofuel and biogas from biomass” project

Highlight potential directions for the development of the water technology industry in the iWatermap project

Latest news in “Zero-to-low-waste technology for simultaneous production of liquid biofuel and biogas from biomass” project (No.

Latest news in “Zero-to-low-waste technology for simultaneous production of liquid biofuel and biogas from biomass” project.

It is hoped that Covid-19 will soon be measured in sewers

Water Research and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory  (WREB) of RTU together with partners already developed methods and prove that it is possible to monitor wastewaters and detect the virus presence. Research takes place within the framework of the program “Multidisciplinary approach to monitoring, control and control of COVID19 and other future epidemics in Latvia” (COV-MITIGATE) funded by the State Research program for Mitigation of Consequences of Covid-19.

More information in Latvian Television program “Rīta Panorāma” video here.

A special robot is made to fight Covid-19

In cooperation with representatives of Riga Technical University (RTU), including Water research and environmental biotechnology laboratory (WREBL) scientists, and several other higher education and research organizations, a special cleaning robot is being created in Latvia, with the help of which it will be possible to disinfect various surfaces, thus fighting Covid-19, reports Latvian Television program “Rīta Panorāma”.
More information and video here.

Development of a new type of protective masks / respirators

More information and video here.

RTU with Covid-19 mitigation support also builds a robot-cleaner (for disinfection)

Projects led by Riga Technical University (RTU) are developing new disinfection devices or robots and adhesive coatings, as well as secure e-environment solutions for remote work and education.

More information here.

Project “Multidisciplinary approach to monitoring, control and control of COVID19 and other future epidemics in Latvia”

Water Research and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory  (WREB) of RTU together with partners realise the project “Multidisciplinary approach to monitoring, control and control of COVID19 and other future epidemics in Latvia” (COV-MITIGATE) funded by State Research programme for Mitigation of Consequences of Covid-19.  The overall aim of the project is to develop system for effective Covid-19 and other possible epidemics monitoring, mitigation and limitation using a multidisciplinary approach.  The Project is led by Uga Dumpis.

The WREB is responsible for implementation of wastewater based epidemiology approach in Latvia.

More information on the project and partners available here.

Algae – for wastewater treatment