Workshop “Biotechnology for space and civil industry”

To expand the involvement of Latvian companies and scientific institutions in the activities of the European Space Agency, Riga Technical University is establishing cooperation with the MELiSSA project – an initiative by the European Space Agency in the field of applied biotechnology. Therefore, on April 5, the RTU Water Research and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory is organizing a workshop ‘’Biotechnology for space and civil industry’’.

During the workshop, the interested parties will be introduced with the initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA) in the development of a life support system based on microbiological processes and the work of Latvian companies and scientific institutions in the field of applied biotechnology. The main goal of the event is to promote the development of biotechnology-based innovations created in Latvia and their commercialization for use in the space industry and civil needs.

For more than 30 years, the European Space Agency has been working in the field of life support systems based on biological processes. MELiSSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative) is a project developing a closed-loop life support system. The project was created to develop knowledge of regenerative systems and to produce food, water and oxygen from the waste generated by astronauts with the highest degree of autonomy during a space mission.

Since 2020, Latvia has been an associate member of the ESA. Until now, companies and scientific institutions with high research and innovation capacity in engineering sciences, applied physics, optics, remote sensing of the Earth and material sciences have been involved in ESA’s innovation support programs. By becoming a MELiSSA project partner, Latvian companies and scientific institutions will have the opportunity for wider international cooperation by getting involved in the creation of biotechnology-based solutions and developing their application.

The participants of the workshop will be introduced with Latvia’s involvement in the ESA, MELiSSA project goals and its future vision, the achievements of Latvian companies and scientific institutions in environmental biotechnologies, food technology innovations, water pollution control, bioresource recovery and the commercialization of applied biotechnologies, as well as the implementation of educational projects related to space and biotechnology. In the second part of the event, an idea workshop will be held to promote the cooperation of interested parties with the MELiSSA project on topics of interest to the involved parties.

At the end of the event, there will be an opportunity to talk in an informal atmosphere with EKA representatives and industry scientists, entrepreneurs and educational project managers.

The working language of the seminar is English.

Full programme is available here.

To participate in workshop, please register here.

For any questions, please contact